

TDM are an official Totara LMS partner. We add value to the core codeline by offering all the necessary services: hosting, theming, coding, plugins, extensions, integrations, upgrades, content development & platform administration.

Totara is a custom distribution of Moodle, the world’s most popular learning management platform, for the corporate sector. Totara is designed to meet the learning management needs of busy enterprises and to deliver the benefits of open source software.


Develop your people with Learning Plans

Show all the learning, competencies, and objectives employees are working on now, their upcoming deadlines, what is mandatory, and what to prioritize. Learners monitor their progress and directly access learning activities from their plan. Manage the process with approval workflows, comment boxes, and notifications.


Managed Training Events

Synchronous, face-to-face learning remains a highly-effective training method even in the most modern of enterprises. And while this form of learning is as old as human history, you need a sophisticated tool to organize and manage the training, schedules, rosters, notifications and attendance tracking across your enterprise.


Managing compliance, certifications and programs of learning

Totara makes managing regulatory compliance simple. Define and manage certifications and recertification paths. Certifications are also integrated with our program management system enabling your team to rapidly build learning paths by grouping courses together into logical sequences and setting the timing between them.


Manage Team Performance

Powerful tools to manage employee performance. Connect high level goals at the organizational level with detailed objectives at the individual level using a flexible tiered approach.Conducting appraisals is a core business practice. As with all of Totara’s features, we deliver flexibility to this central process.

Click here to view the Totara LMS website


TDM Learnit-e offer a full consultancy approach to support bespoke learning management system implementations. According to each client’s needs, we offer the following service range:

⁃ TotaraLMS configuration
⁃ TotaraLMS training
⁃ TotaraLMS administration
⁃ Managed TotaraLMS hosting and end user support
⁃ TotaraLMS theming and user interface design
⁃ TotaraLMS programming plugins and integrations
⁃ Database Management
⁃ Training needs analysis
⁃ Business impacts analysis
⁃ Competency frameworks design
⁃ Instructional Design
⁃ Learning content development
⁃ HRD/CPD Programme management