

TDM are an official Mahara Business Partner and we have mahara-partnerwritten a book on Mahara. We add value to the core codeline by offering all the necessary services: hosting, theming, coding, plugins, extensions, integrations, upgrades, content development & platform administration.

Mahara is a fully featured web application to build your electronic portfolio. You can create journals, upload files, embed social media resources from the web and collaborate with other users in groups.


File Repository

Mahara includes a file repository which allows users to create folders & upload multiple files quickly and efficiently



A comprehensive blogging tool is provided in Mahara, where users can attach files to posts, embed images into postings and enable comments.


Social Networking

Mahara provides a social networking facility where users can create and maintain a list of Friends within the system.


Resume Builder

Mahara includes a resumé builder which allows users to create digital CV’s by entering information into a variety of optional fields.

Click here to view the Mahara website

Not all workplace knowledge is formal and explicit. An employer is also wise to capture staff tacit and informal knowledge as digital assets. ePortfolio pages and collections can be used to record:

• Individual expertise
• Expert voices
• Conference & training notes
• CPD records
• etc.

Mahara software also enables staff teams to create online:

• Communities of practice to facilitate knowledge transfer between groups of experts
• Communities of interest to spark innovation and the creation of new business knowledge assets


Why Mahara?

Mahara is a fully fledged ePortfolio system with social networking facilities.

Multimedia file storage & data capture via internet/mobile devices.
Web page & website collection building via a dynamic user interface.
The ability to work with colleagues in online community “groups”.


What can you do with Mahara?

• Informal knowledge capture/transfer/creation processes
• Communities of Practice
• Communities of Interest
• Primary ePortfolios with a specialist primary theme
• Secondary ePortfolios
• FE ePortfolios
• HE ePortfolios
• Apprenticeship ePortfolios


What can TDM Open Source Software Services do to help?

Training Services
• Mahara ePortfolio user
• Mahara administrator
• Mahara technician
• Bespoke consultancy
Development Services
• Scoping services
• Configuration services
• Theming services
• Programming services
• Days/Work Packages/Sprints/Retentions
Managed Services
• Cloud hosting (inc. G-Cloud)
• Remote server management
• Line 1 – User/Admin support (Front-end)
• Line 2 – Software on server support (Back-end)
• Line 3 – Codeline support subscriptions


Why Open Source?

Bespoke Branding

TDM’s team of Web and Graphic Designers can turn an empty open source software shell into a uniquely bespoke corporate product:

• Proudly celebrating your own corporate branding and image
• Using images and visuals to bring your content to life
• And making the menu bar and the user-interface speak your own unique organisational language.

Flexibility To Tailor

Sometimes the out-of-the-box functionality just doesn’t cut it. That is why TDM’s team of Software Developers enjoy working with Open Source Codeline which we can freely edit. We specialise in taking an established open source platform as a starting point, but then:

• Selecting
• Rejecting
• Adapting and
• Supplementing
that codeline to ensure that the software serves your own very specialist business needs.

No Vendor Lock-In

What if TDM decided to discontinue the software you use?
What if TDM suddenly lost our pricing competitiveness?
What if The Development Manager Ltd. (TDM) were to go kaput?
None of these worries need concern you. TDM guarantee that you can extract your complete product, content, database and open source codeline for us at ANY point. You can then simply redeploy your codeline on an alternative server arrangement.
It is therefore entirely down to TDM to ensure that we continuously deliver the right levels of service quality at the right price for you.

Software Integration

“Small pieces, loosely joined” wrote David Weinberger. At TDM, we believe that:

• An LMS should serve as an LMS
• A CMS is a CMS
• A CRM is a CRM
• An ePortfolio platform is exactly what is needed for ePortfolios
• An ECMS is what is really needed for document management, with version control and workflow processes
Your management decision-makers need the flexibility to plug-and-play such software solution as these, as and when new business needs arise and new software options become available. However, TDM ALSO completely understand these software options need to combine smoothly behind a non-geeky front-end portal which offers an easy-to-use, single-sign-on experience for the end-user….. and that is exactly how we can be of help to you.

Given Enough Eyeballs

“Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow”. (Linus’s Law by Eric Raymond). TDM’s proposition is that your organisation’s software will be less likely to be at risk from:

• codeline bugs
• security holes and
• functionality inconsistencies
if you choose to combine the skillsets of both:
1. the international community of software developers who are continuously patching and maintaining core codeline of your chosen software platform
2. TDM’s team of multiskilled sotware developers and software administrators who are tasked with maintaining your software on an ongoing basis.

Lower Total Cost

If lots of organisations have an interest in moving forwards the core codeline functionalities of the software you are using, your organisation will stand to benefit from initiative funded by others. At the end of the day, many organisations will often need broadly the same software functionalities. Why continuously reinvent the same wheels?